Today is the very first rainy day of the season... it's beautiful, absolutely gorgeous weather.
Perfect for making yourself comfortable on the couch with a nice bEEg mug of Hot chocolate. I have been looking forward to this weather all month, the wind has finally gone to rest:)
OOh not only has the lurvely weather arrived, but it's also long weekend!! Yeah baby..
Tomorow is Freedom Day - It celebrates freedom and commemorates the first democratic post-apartheid elections. Held in 1994, they saw Nelson Mandela elected as President.
So yeh for Freedom Day!
Then we have another day off next week tuesday, because it's May Day - which also used to be called Red Nose Day, an initiative started by to raise funds. We haven't celebrated it in years, because somehow it has died out in South Africa. it's really sad actually because every year we would buy red nose thingy's to wear on your nose and car bumper red noses... it used to be super cool, plus they used to raise so much money which was brilliant.
Hmmm, i think a lovely hot pot of Chicken and Corn Soup with some lovely garlic/herby crispy bread is in order. Definitely!
Pity it doesn't snow here.. it does, not really, not like it does in other countries, besides that, we have to drive all the way up to Ceres -somewhere in the mountain range enroute to Worcester. I think the last time i went to see the snow was about 10 years ago, because each year we plan to drive up but by the time we are available to go, the snow has already melted since there usually isn't that much of it to begin with.
Right now all i can think about is getting home and hopefully find lovely hot soup..
Chocolate features somewhere on the menu tonight, no doubt about that.
Anyway, 1 more hour till home!!
That's such a great day to have and celebrate. Happy belated Freedom Day :)
Thanks 'liya.. :)
Only now, after a lovely long weekend of enjoyment, its back to work.. teehee
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