- learn something new with regard to food, ingredients, presentation etc
- buy nice foodie mags or books
- check out latest food gadgets
- buy some really nice things, unusual things (chocolate, chocolate, chocolate :P)
- get knives and goodies at cut prices
- meet international / local food heroes (restauranteurs, tv chefs, food experts etc)
- have fun tasting all the fantastic freebies!
*All of the above refers to people who are crazy about food, whether you enjoy eating it, lounging on the couch and watching the foodie network, cooking up a storm or just drooling at the lovely bakery/confectionary spot...
Either way, it's fun for everyone:)
Yeh i got sum nice things, but tried not to buy unnecessary.. one of my favorite buys had to be the chilli-choc crunchy stuff.. dEElicious
Here's sum of the chefs i met. . . i might add my pics at a later stage... BUT these ones are ones i got off the net..
From top to bottom:
James Martin;
Ross Burden & Reto Mathis;
Alan Coxon
and Mr Gennaro Contaldo

Moving along to matters at hand.... 1-3 june marks the hobby-X show/exhibition.. hence the "4 days and counting" title... Ever since we started with our weekend scrap classes that was always a topic, so yeh this week we'll be attending the exhibition (hopefully, and hopefully we won't be disappointed) Because, like i always say, looking forward to something usually ends up disappointing or does not happen at all..(and no i'm not a Pessimist)
As the name implies hobby-X, the show entails all things craft-ish, pertaining to hobby(ies) and boasts it's 10th year anniversary. I have, however, only attended the past two years' shows but came home with some exciting things..
This year i have a list of things i need to look out for BUT i need to keep in mind not to spend the money i'm saving for a decent camera... i have been using my mobile phone camera - altho the pics are "not too shabby hey nige", well they're decent pics cos its a 2megapixel cam..
So yes, i really want to buy a camera and maybe i could do that short photography course..
OMG, the creativity bug has bitten!There's no gettin away from it.
The free stuff is the best part of any show :D
Yeh it is, i think the funniest give-away at the show, was the tubs of peanut butter with choc chips! :P "yum-yum" <-that's also the brands name..
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