But since things have changed so much in the past year, the excitement of my upcoming graduation has actually worn off a bit.
What's worse is that i actually can't even work in that industry anymore - well, not entirely, but i can't really stand on my feet all day...refer to chapter one to find out why... Anyway i called to say i am attending the ceremony, but the next step is to actually fetch my tickets [2 lucky ppl get to come see me get diploma'd! ] I also spoke to friend about the ceremony, and my friend said it'd be a nice thing because i'd get to see my friends from college etc.. don't just skip ut altogether...
But the thing that ticked me off and just made me feel really bad is that i mentioned it [graduation] to my uncle a few days ago while he was sitting in my office sipping on his "teatime coffee"...
... and his reaction was, "So late?" so i said yeh and explained the bit about the rest of the group who had to catch up .. then he said "It's such a waste though, i mean it's not like you're even going to use the diploma anymore!"...
i mean to say... Excuse me? Did i hear you correctly? ARE YOU INSANE?
Instead, i politely said, "Well actually it won't be a waste, i mean you do know that i intend to start my own business once i have the finances... it's not like i'm going to work here forever, besides that, i worked really hard to earn that diploma!" [yes, another one of those creatures called perfectionists]
The sheer cheek!
I was apalled.
Anyway, he had no further reply and finished his coffee quietly and then got up left for work again.
I still had a bit of a bleh feelings after that... wondering whether i should actually pick up those tickets... ceremony takes place Friday 20 July 2007 @ 9am...
Oh yeh, just to clarify, we have a ceremony for each level you complete [in SA we have up to level 5 in the industry - so this ceremony is for completion of the level 5 ] The ceremony is just the part where they hand you your piece of paper..however, handing in of final assignment (major assignment) usually qualifies as finishing the course;)
Congrats on the graduation, the ceremony itself is more of a parents moment of pride thing, but for me it was nice to meet all my friends again.
The chef thing sounds very interesting, I always wondered what they taught in those courses :D, now i know.
Well yeh i guess it is a moment for the parents..but my point was how can knowledge ever be a waste?
But yeh, i'll let that was over me..some ppl dnt think before they speak..
The Chef course is quite the opposite of what people expect..then again, most ppl would not know what to expect..
You should definitely go - don't let his attitude and comment change your mind or get you down. Graduation, even a later one, only comes once (well unless you go back to school to change programs but you know what I mean!).
It would be nice to see your friends and classmates and catch up with them (if you went to a big college you might never see them again). AND plus, you get to dress up and be the centre of attention (for your two guests) and I think you totally deserve that.
Oh yeah, and I also want to add, sometimes family members can say things and not know how much it hurts.
:) Thank You 'liya...
yeh it would be nice to see my friends [my college is actually quite small, and my class was a group of 20 ppl, hehe]
yeh, i know sometimes family members do that... its also very possible that he is one of those!
But yeh... wen is knowledge ever a waste? And how could recognition of such knowledge be waste?
I think i will actually go:)
[i can also where my new shoes! LOL]
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