This blog takes you on a journey through my thoughts, trials, tribulations and (*hopefully captivating)stories. And maybe i'll add in some recipes and fun stuff! hehe :)

Friday, 29 June 2007

MOODY SMURF?? aka Grouchy

I don't think i'm a morning person...

That's not to say i am an ogre before i have my morning coffee/milo..

I rememeber days when i was in high school, (before i owned my own cellphone) [OH and i have never owned an alarm clock] and my mother would come in, wake me and wait till i look at her, then she'd say "Nunu, you can sleep for 5 more minutes" - ?????? Why on earth would you wake someone to say that? LOL

Or the time my two older sisters would tell me that i wake up with a look on my face that seems as if i'm angry at the world! That, i thought was hilarious, because i never wake up moody and i certainly don't feel that way - i prefer having a conversation after i have brushed teeth and washed my face... So every morning after that to prove that i wasn't grumpy, i woke up strolled to the bathroom and smiled the bEEgest smile and greeted out loud so that they knew Moody Smurf belonged in the pictures...

If say, i set my alarm for say 6:30am, i like to sleep till i hear the annoying "greeting" tone and not say 5 minutes before i hear that annoying tone.. i'd rather be woken by the annoying tone than a person - because i prefer being annoyed at the alarm and not a person:)

This morning i was woken up to the sound of "Say it right" - nelly furtado [bEEg bEEg nelly furtado fan btw :P] BUT that does not mean i wanted her to wake me up 5min before "greeting" tone...That, was my sister calling - It's funny how people who have had a baby assume that everybody is awake from 4:30am in the morning. She probably wanted to discuss travel arrangements for her son - his play/day school is near where i work i think it was decided that he would be traveling with us. Problem was this:

1. i had nothing to do with those arrangements
2. i was not fully awake and furthermore discussing anything was close to impossible before i have at least brushed my teeth
3. please don't continue talking after you have asked "are you still asleep?" and have received the reply "yes" UNLESS the person added "it's ok, i'm awake now, what were you saying?"

I wanted those last 5 minutes of sleep..i needed those 5 minutes of sleep otherwise i would have set my alarm for 6:25am:)

On the other hand, once i'm awake i feel terrible that i might have sounded grumpy on the phone because had it been expected/the person that puts a spring in your step/etc.. i probably would have shrugged that sleepy voice in a split second - or tried too! LOL

Would have been nice if it was that someone...

I think i'm more of this kinda smurf... :)

Well, the girl version of "cook smurf".

Friday, 22 June 2007

what does ur handwriting say abt u?

I found this little test on 'liya's page and thought i'd see what it says about me...

I like these little tests even though sometimes they are more for entertainment rather than truthful purposes.

Handwriting Analysis

My results:

-You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
-You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
-You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
-You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
-You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.

I think i can only agree with point 2 and 4 (at point 4, i only agree to being talkative, i am not busy-body).

Writing with the mouse is so much harder than using a pen/pencil - and if i was writing with a pen/pencil i think i would have opted for writing print and not cursive.

Just for fun i tried the test again..

I got the same results... LOL

I need a smoothie...berries berries and some mint!:P

Handwriting Analysis

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Sunshine Sundays and Family Roadtrips

I was sitting in my office the other day, at my desk and the sun was shining on me, a lovely warm and cosy sun... only how cosy can it be when you're actually at work right? LOL

Anyway it reminded me of the something from way back...way waaaayyyy back LOL.

We are a big family, ok maybe not that big we're a family of six (my folks and 4 daughters). Yes i have three sisters, and i'm the youngest. As i was saying, we're a sorta biggish family and when we were all much much younger we would go away for summer vacation because we had about 6 or 7 weeks fun fun - not that we'd be away for so long, but the shortest time we'd be away on vacation would be about 2 weeks.

I remember the things that made vacations "our vacation"... We would always leave very early in the morning, before sunset - usually after early morning prayer - in summer thats pretty early 4am, we would pack in so many things, the water cooler, cushions, a teddy/ toys - mini chess/drafts etc.. mom would get the thermal flask ready with hot coffee/tea and pack in sandwiches for long road "pad kos"i [put-cors], there would be blankets and a small gas stove, and all the other essentials including luggage of course!

We would take on the open road and drive for miles and miles (kilometers and kilometers just doesn't sound the same! ) and drive down to Durban or Pretoria or PE - we have some family living that side.. PE is really a friendly place, most people you meet there are so warm and invite you to come visit.. Durbs is like summer time capital and the scond most colourful place in South Africa.. Cape Town ranks the 1st place - but of course!! I am a proud Capetonian, can't help it:)

It's the little things, like stopping at those little roadside restaurants (at the garages) called "The Golden Egg" and having the world simplest but most DIVINE toasted cheese sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake.. a taste that lingers forever, trying out the teddy machines (with the one dangling arm to catch teddies at the bottom of a glass cabinet for 50c), spending the night in the car and sitting up all night telling scary stories and holding a very dim torch, trying not to laugh while mom snores and one of my sisters pretends she's going to put a pillow over my mom's face.. while the driver (my dad) gets rest that keeps that years vacation alive in your memory..

What makes a vacation a vacation? It's the little things, because if all you did was travel to where you had to be without those little things it would be no fun at all!

We would carry out the annual family summer vacation roadtrip in the most loved vehicle of all time...

Except ours was powder blue with turqoise custom-made curtains that had little pink and white flowers on them.. it was our "Volksie Bus" [forlk-see bus] we also referred to it as the "Combi".

It was the best way to travel back then... made every trip an adventure!

"Every step of the journey is the journey"

The other thing i remember about the Volksie Bus was that on those days when there was a lazy sun in the the sunday afternoons, we would get a pillow and a good book and go and lay in the Combi. Was always so nice and cosy.. or we would just go and take a nap in it..

I'm still not really sure why i remembered that specific memory about the Combi.. but it just seems like we had it yesterday.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Fare Thee Well Sir...

I would just like to say that today i received some sad news (and happy for other reasons)...
Just before i started blogging one of the first blogs i read was famousFU's blog and i have to say this guy is hilarious, he's honest and if speaking his mind ain't enough, he speaks about what his tummy feels too! He loves food, and i love it when people love food because that plays a big part in my life... furthermore, reading this guy's blog was part of the push i needed to get myself started with my own blog..

And today when i checked out his page... i saw this.... i mean shock and horror!!! How can this be happening?? Well, yeah it actually is happening and so i just have to go with it...

So, dear FU i wish all the best for the future(career, life, love, etc.) it's been fab, was great meeting ya.. ;) [yes, i no i already left a comment on your blog but i had to say goodbye nicely since there was no farewell party - you leaving for LA and all soon :P]

Yeay, i am so excited for you because i know your'e gonna kick ass and i'm going to totally jump out my skin when i see you in a movie someday!hehe

This for you FU!:)

Take care>>>

Thursday, 07 June 2007

Welcome to the Mother City

This post is not the one i was going to post first but i thought i could slip in one more stunning shot of the storm we had the other night and how magnificent, and absolutely breath-taking Cape Town night sky is...

I know, i's electrifying :P

The post i was initially going to publish will follow shortly, just need to add some things..

Enjoy the pic of the Mother City in the meantime:)

Monday, 04 June 2007

"Raindrops are falling on my head..."

Hobby-X : Got some good buys, did not buy unnecessary or overspend:D

We were looking out for some stalls, but they never had a spot this year - probably too expensive.. and i think it was slightly disappointing, but we did not come home empty handed which is good news. When you come home from events like this you shouldn't come home empty-handed..:P

The winter season has arrived... or has it?? We're probably going to experience even more extreme weather once the real winter season dawns on us.. because this weekend we had lovely clear skies, warm (take out your sandals) and sunny weather. . .

The weekends weather was really good, but last night the sky seemed to be letting out some kind of frustration of sorts...

There was a continuous raw of thunder, louder than any other time i've ever heard it rumble like that and then the entire sky would get streaked with electrifying shots of whiteish-blue flashes. Sounded like in the movies when there are people stuck in a mountain cabin and there's a storm breaking out...

Next thing i heard was when the sky opened up and let out heavy downpours. It really sounded like the sky was ripped open and flooding rain out. Wicked:)

These are some of the shots from last night's storm.. i never shot these pics tho.

Too bad there's nothing exciting happening this side yet..

Friday, 01 June 2007

Fresh Start

i'm not too sure if anybody will notice but i suck with titles! LOL i always find that after i read my post the titles never match..almost never match - but i just can't think up exciting titles.
That's actually funny because i start off by typing the title, then the post then during the post i delete the title and then sumhow at the end i'll add one..but as soon as i have read the post the title does not seem to match... BLANK!

It's a brand new month and it's almost the midpoint of 2007, so i think it's about time i get my plan into action.. looking forward to each new day we have as a gift and a blessing andof course the dawn of all good things etc etc...

By that i mean i'm looking at each day that comes way with a positive outlook.

Another thing to mention is that today is the first day of the Hobby-X exhibition.. watch out cos the scrapping ladies are gonna be bringing the house down (only going to be bringing the house down tomorrow - but bringing the house down not-the-less) ;P

I'm getting excitied again...ok, gonna try not to think about it till tomorrow (yeah,... right!)

There'll probably be a discussion about it over lunch today.

Aaah yes, it's friday so there'll probably be some form of friday lunch hehehe.
ok i still think it's gotten me into a bad habit of actually having a full friday lunch.

Oh and i'm still trying to crack the code from the radio this morning.
Trying to unscramble : SHAKE THINYLY
Suggestions anyone??
clue = benefits of zinc in potatoes