I don't think i'm a morning person...

That's not to say i am an ogre before i have my morning coffee/milo..
I rememeber days when i was in high school, (before i owned my own cellphone) [OH and i have never owned an alarm clock] and my mother would come in, wake me and wait till i look at her, then she'd say "Nunu, you can sleep for 5 more minutes" - ?????? Why on earth would you wake someone to say that? LOL
Or the time my two older sisters would tell me that i wake up with a look on my face that seems as if i'm angry at the world! That, i thought was hilarious, because i never wake up moody and i certainly don't feel that way - i prefer having a conversation after i have brushed teeth and washed my face... So every morning after that to prove that i wasn't grumpy, i woke up strolled to the bathroom and smiled the bEEgest smile and greeted out loud so that they knew Moody Smurf belonged in the pictures...
If say, i set my alarm for say 6:30am, i like to sleep till i hear the annoying "greeting" tone and not say 5 minutes before i hear that annoying tone.. i'd rather be woken by the annoying tone than a person - because i prefer being annoyed at the alarm and not a person:)
This morning i was woken up to the sound of "Say it right" - nelly furtado [bEEg bEEg nelly furtado fan btw :P] BUT that does not mean i wanted her to wake me up 5min before "greeting" tone...That, was my sister calling - It's funny how people who have had a baby assume that everybody is awake from 4:30am in the morning. She probably wanted to discuss travel arrangements for her son - his play/day school is near where i work i think it was decided that he would be traveling with us. Problem was this:
1. i had nothing to do with those arrangements
2. i was not fully awake and furthermore discussing anything was close to impossible before i have at least brushed my teeth
3. please don't continue talking after you have asked "are you still asleep?" and have received the reply "yes" UNLESS the person added "it's ok, i'm awake now, what were you saying?"
I wanted those last 5 minutes of sleep..i needed those 5 minutes of sleep otherwise i would have set my alarm for 6:25am:)
On the other hand, once i'm awake i feel terrible that i might have sounded grumpy on the phone because had it been expected/the person that puts a spring in your step/etc.. i probably would have shrugged that sleepy voice in a split second - or tried too! LOL
Would have been nice if it was that someone...
I think i'm more of this kinda smurf... :)

Well, the girl version of "cook smurf".
Oh me too me too! I can't talk to people till I've brushed my teeth.
I dont think anyone is a really morning person, mornings are the plague of us all, life would be so much better if we started our day at 12, i could be happy with waking up at 10 everyday.
Was he called cook smurf or chef smurf, i cant remember now
Nice blog, thanks for visiting mine :)
ruby, my sisters thought i could hav a full convo before i reached the bathroom! wot were they thinking? LOL
waseem, i think he was called cook.. i got that pic from the smurfs site, he was named cook on there..
i cant really sleep that late..for me late, is 9:30!lol
My mom still wakes me up (for work though, not school anymore - well school in a sense lol), I think mothers are the perfect alarm clocks :D
'liya, the other reason for using my own alarm clock is cos i'm awake before everyone else - well except for my sis (she needs 2-3 hours to get ready in the morning, literally! LOL)
Being the geek i am, i went and checked, it was Greedy smurf, in the cartoon they merged the characters of Greedy and Chef(which was in the comics) Smurf.
If i were a smurf i would be Dreamy Smurf
hey waseem, ooh i neva knew tht...at the site i got the pics frm, they spoke of Greedy and Chef separately..but that was probably in the tv series..
Dreamy Smurf...cute!:)
I'm barely functional till about ten. Most people think I'm likely to bite their heads off, but that is only before ten, after that I'm just a barrel of monkeys really.
organ harvester, funny enough i was thinking abt this post this morning..because all the way to work my mom was talkin abt number plates...???
i just wanted to hear the song on the radio & the discussion abt a hill u can drive up in neutral.LOL
bless her tho..i mean now i know u dnt hav to sell ur car with ur number plates..:P
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