I would just like to say that today i received some sad news (and happy for other reasons)...
Just before i started blogging one of the first blogs i read was famousFU's blog and i have to say this guy is hilarious, he's honest and if speaking his mind ain't enough, he speaks about what his tummy feels too! He loves food, and i love it when people love food because that plays a big part in my life... furthermore, reading this guy's blog was part of the push i needed to get myself started with my own blog..
And today when i checked out his page... i saw this.... i mean shock and horror!!! How can this be happening?? Well, yeah it actually is happening and so i just have to go with it...
Just before i started blogging one of the first blogs i read was famousFU's blog and i have to say this guy is hilarious, he's honest and if speaking his mind ain't enough, he speaks about what his tummy feels too! He loves food, and i love it when people love food because that plays a big part in my life... furthermore, reading this guy's blog was part of the push i needed to get myself started with my own blog..
And today when i checked out his page... i saw this.... i mean shock and horror!!! How can this be happening?? Well, yeah it actually is happening and so i just have to go with it...
So, dear FU i wish all the best for the future(career, life, love, etc.) it's been fab, was great meeting ya.. ;) [yes, i no i already left a comment on your blog but i had to say goodbye nicely since there was no farewell party - you leaving for LA and all soon :P]
Yeay, i am so excited for you because i know your'e gonna kick ass and i'm going to totally jump out my skin when i see you in a movie someday!hehe

This for you FU!:)
Take care>>>
that was the most sweetest post i have ever read.
thank you so much for your kind words nuraan - i'll still be reading up on blogs randomly, i just won't be on blogger regularly/semiregularly anymore.
i wish you all the best with your blogging and that you get the most out of it.
i feel like I got the most out of it that I could and that it was time to move on.
Keep on writing. Keep on Eating.
Yay to Fu! :D
Nuraan, get your popcorn ready, we'll be seeing him in the movies!!
My pleasure Fuad, i think it's great that you got the most out of ur blogger experience..
Ha! and they said guys don't journals..hehe
Don't worry i'll keep on cooking!
Yeh 'liya absolutely cannot wait to see Fu in the movies.. Caramel popcorn anyone??:P
It's so nice to see someone saying goodbye like this, really nice :)
Fuad, wherever your travels might lead you, always stop to smell the flowers ;)
hey taqdeer:) thanks for poppin in..yes indeed the most gorgeous -i say gorgeous too often- sights we've been able to see in cape town recently..
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