This blog takes you on a journey through my thoughts, trials, tribulations and (*hopefully captivating)stories. And maybe i'll add in some recipes and fun stuff! hehe :)
Monday, 19 November 2007
short n sweet! thats sounds alot like me;-) Hehe kiddin!
i sincerely hope that everyone had as wonderful a RAMADAAN as i did..i'v been strugglin a bit wit internet since i got back,well after the jet lag had been resolved but my trip was absolutely amazin in every sense of the word!
im tryin to sort the internet problem so in da posts wil prob be scattered n short.wel i hope everyone is well n smiling..:)
Wednesday, 05 September 2007
Be Back shortly...
In the mean time..i'd like to point out that i'll be departing on saturday...
I will be away for a while...6 weeks or so...
So i'll be back in blog land in october...Not sure of the exact date as yet..
Till then, here's wishing an early Ramadaan Mubarak to all my Muslom Blog Buddies!
I hope you have a wonderful Month filled with Peace, and only beautiful things!!
Keep well and make duah for my safe return Insha-Allah:)
Friday, 31 August 2007
Saying Farewell..the end that leads to a new beginning..
Because today is my last day at this company..I have things to look forward to, to take the next step and to continue my journey..but on the other hand, i have a sort of low feeling because i have to say goodbye to what has become something close to my heart.
I can walk away and say that i have gained so much, and i have, which is truly amazing!
I've met some wonderful people, even if all i ever had was daily conversations about how far certain cases have gone or about important documents or about making sure that things are all in order..but having met these wonderful people is something special, you can only hope that you have the chance to meet some more [lots more] of them.
Then, there are people who may not have always been the best to be around, but they will however not be forgotten, i still keep in mind that they go well! :)
After today, i lose this space, a space that was mine. I will definitely miss this space.
I know that when i walk out of this office and building and environment, things will change again and i'll have to be there will all those changes..i certainly hope they'll be exciting changes!
[Sadly, i ddnt get a farewell party...]
Oh well, i guess that's life! LOL
To change direction on my was gettin a bit emo...LOL
I really miss the summertime, the warm weather, the barbeques, the sunshine [i've already mentioned that], the fact that you can sit and enjoy every minute of the longer days, the feeling of holiday time and everyone always has this bright outlook, the outdoors, being the ocean, how beautiful cape town looks from absolutely any spot in the country!
It's not that i am not enjoying the winter, just that i long for summer [and the memories of the summer past].
Thursday, 30 August 2007
My Celebrity Look-alikes
That's me guys..pic taken last year april i think.. |
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
extra, extra, read all about it??
When i started blogging, i thought i could speak my mind completely and blog about everything or at least most things that i felt i needed to, but for some reason i have been holding back but i know why i have been doing that [it's weird to be paranoid on your very own private space i know...]
Just that some things can't be blogged because i know that perhaps that person would see it and perhaps i would be making another mistake to actually blog about it.. Well if i'm too cowardly to go out and say it then how on earth can i blog about it knowing that that someone might read it?
So that it why i just haven't blogged about it.
I have some news... not related to any of the above...
This week is my very last week at my current job. I know that it must sound strange since i don't exactly have another job lined up. But.. alas! I'll be away for a while and when i get back then i am going to continue my search for a new job and a way back into my chosen career [hospitality / food industry].
So please make Duah that i am successful in that light [getting back into the industry].
Since this is my last week and there's still some time before i leave i'm not sure when i'm going to be in blogland [or how often] but when i leave i will be absent from blogland for about 6 weeks or so.. so i'll be back round about endish October.
Wow! That sounds so long, almost too long, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, maybe this will be motivation to get broadband at home! LOL Because the internet line we have at the!
Monday, 20 August 2007
...never a dull moment ...
Friday started off on a rather low note. It was the day of the conference [the one i was looking forward to attending because i was actually part of it...] Anyway, night before the conference, ny boss tells me they have enough 'help' at the conference so i can go to work as per normal the next day...Yeh i was in shock alright, but what could i do? I also still had to attend the Gala Dinner that evening, at that point of course, i wasn't really in the mood, but i'm not all that rebellious [i think] so i swallowed the shock,disappointment etc and attended the dinner with one of my closest friends [both of us made the night good cos we went together hehe...]
Saturday morning i woke up feeling like a bus hit me [twice] and it felt like i was coming down with the flu [who woulda thought i was all dolled up night before!] and saturday was the day i needed to bake cake and desserts for an engagement!
I decided that i could not just drop them on the last minute, i just couldn't do it...[that evening i was also due to baby sit my nephew ] i got cracking [LOL, literally because there were eggs involved, and flour, cocoa, sugar the works :P]
Later on we got a call from my sis that my nephew would have to be admitted to hospital, because it was worse than the paediatrician had thought..He had to have tests and stuff done.
By about 2:30pm everything was baked and decorated and plated.
My sis then started asking me whether i would join her..going shopping..[she likes having a shopping companion..Y? So she can talk me into buying things! LOL]
Eventually i gave in, got showered and went along with her..still feeling a bit woozy...
Most of the stalls had already closed because after 3 they already pack up..we went to a few shops and i found the most gorgeous Thaub... [Moroccan style and it was pink..] i tried it on, n my sis was like, BUY iT!! You, have to buy it! - see i also don't need to much convincing! :P
We ddnt leave too late. almost 5 pm..and then headed for home to get a few things to take through to the hospital with us for my nephew..on our way to hospital, we're approaching the robot [our lane was clear] thing we knew this old man swirves from the left lane and rams our car [dad's reaction was to brake of course..but it still hit hard]
Luckily non of us had any serious blood - maybe some bruising, but no blood so Alhamdulillah!
I was a bit in shock, but i managed to take the man's (who hit us) details. It was an old man, in his early 70's and he probably just misjudged himself, he was really apologetic and said he would definitely co-operate..
Eventually we got to the hospital, but we couldn't really see my nephew..he's in iso..
Yesterday, we all needed to get a few things from the needing socks and shampoo even though i really never felt like it, i just went along..
My sis takes ages tryin on things and deciding which shower gel and shampoo to choose... evntually we get to this other shop where i decide to sit down while she's shopping.. And there all these foreigners, definitely Arab people, they look and sound very much like they're from Saudi Arabia..The grandmother looks to me, and asks me if i'm Muslim. I reply yes and then she asks where i'm i said, I'm from here, Cape Town - that's really funny to me because i definitely look like i'm from aorund here hehe..
After all the shopping and walking i decided i coulg no longer walk on boots..i am so not cut out for heels, especially not to shop in!LOL
So, the next best step was to get a pair of comfy shoes..which i did [had to turn down my sis suggestion of getting slippers..she was convinced nobody would take note.. i thought otherwise...imagine my embarassment if i bumped into anyone i know! LOL]
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Time sure does fly
The only problem i'm faced with now, is actually finding something to wear for this event because its an all-day conference and then a gala dinner afterwards..which means i need to be all formal ... formal do's are hard to do wen its cold/wintery and [i really like skirts] if it rains, wearing a skirt presents a few possible problems...
I really hope it doesn't rain on friday...i'll be so sad
Also because it's been raining so much [and even though its such a good thing because our dams are full..] there's people on the streets, homeless people..
And there's been flooding, but i know that if the situation was the opposite [less/no rain] we'd be hoping and praying to get some..
Even though i really love this weather, it makes some events seem so sad and miserable when it does come down in torrents!On the other hand, summertime returning will only remind me of wonderful happy moments lost ...moments and days that i was lucky enough to have last spring/summer..
And even though i still wish i could have those days back, i know i never will...
Friday, 10 August 2007
Women's Day
Now see such a wonderful thing to celebrate a women's independence, strength, achievements etc..And guess what happens to me??
I get stalked in broad daylight..[so to speak]
Well, i was doing some shopping at the chemist..and i noticed this man walking down the isle and looking at me..i just went on with my shopping minding my business..till he came up to me and greeted, asking me how come i look so familiar. I greeted by i said i really don't know, because i don't know him at all..[trust me, i might not remember a name, but a face, always sticks with me!]
Anyway..i did not want to prolong the conversation because i really did not know the man, and he was starting to ask too many unnecessary questions..
Somehow i get a bit blank in situations like that and i just tried to be polite because the man then proceeded to ask for a donation..under different circumstances i would have obliged but i was having a day when all the shopping i needed to do, could have been done without the need for cash [i used my debit card only] and i really had no cash in my hand bag...
The man, however wanted to continue talking..luckily another man approached him and i could slip away because i was starting to feel uneasy..
The chemist was quiet and empty since it was a public holiday and most ppl were about in the other shops or relaxing at the eateries..
I then finished up with my shopping and made my way to the counter to pay for the goods...i had noticed the man was also at a counter paying but i just kept my focus on the girl i was paying... In doing so, i never realised that he then walked to the entrance of the shop and waited till i was done...
So obviously when i was leaving the store i got a bit nervous because i could see he was going to approach me again..and the security was nowhere nearby...
Immediately i got my phone out and theni heard him asking me whether i was there with family .... [my mom was back at the food court waiting for me because she did not need to do any shopping at the chemist] i replied that i was not there alone and then called to my mother walking at a faster pace to get away.
My mother never answered. She never heard her phone ringing because of all the noise.
I walked so fast to get to where there was more people or at least someone that i knew.
I don't like having that feeling...almost panicked feeling...It really should be like that, where you have to watch over your shoulder...
Friday, 03 August 2007
Wedding Bells are Ringing
Besides that, the blue birds are away in search of hotter weather..our lovely icy weather just ain't cutting it for them! LOL
I'm making some desserts for the wedding..[oh but of course, hehehe :P]
Baked Cheesecakes, Pavlovas and Chocolate Mousse...
Nice timing for a wedding because i actually feel like getting all dressed up...but on the other hand i feel like cuddling up at the movies with some yummy popcorn and hot chocolate, nice bitter hot chocolate... [did i say cuddling? well, ok there actually is nobody to cuddle with so let's just say i feel like going to the movies! ]
It's friday..yeah, weekend is approaching us:)
Still no signs of my pics:( [Please keep fingers crossed X]
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Please put out an APB on my missing photo's!!!

This is the pic of the seared tuna salad...mmm the avo!
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
not really sure about a title...
Some not-so-useful-but-exciting news: I have my very own tv..yes, however strange that may sound, i have never owned my own tv..until now! Which means i get to lie under my covers on these lovely chilly, wintry nights and watch some tv, dvd's and hopefully soon, satellite! HEHE..
The actual post...
It's really funny because i started typing the title and it seems i've used [possibly] used this title before.. that must mean i have serious issues trying to think up a title for my posts. That must be yet another thing i "over think" ...oops, my bad! I just don't want the title to seem boring, or like it really doesn't match... ok, i know that might be some people's signature on their blog post title's to not really match but it's one of those things....
Like the way i don't like buying paper or cardboard if its bent, or can't stand it when people force the paper/cardboard/magazine into a bag that is too small..i mean seriously, then i'll rather carry it in my hand..
Another thing that used to really get on my nerves was when i was at college and my lecturers would demand getting absolutely neat assignments/projects/work etc and we had to fit specific criteria [like putting each page in a single plastic sleeve and that we had to put them in flip files]. That was not the issue, my work was always neat and always flip files and for each assignment i had board new plastic covers and binders for them...i liked my work to be absolutely presentable - maybe slightly over the top to say every assignment had a new flip file/binder etc BUT my point is that i wouldn't use damaged plastic sleeves/binders... and i used to get so ticked off when my lecturers would hand my work back to me, looking as though their chihuahua had marked/graded it!!
At least have the decency to hand something back without doggy ears, coffee stains and/or damaged plastic sleeves or bent covers??
[ok, this is starting to become a ramble post and i'm going off track... i think i've forgotten what i actually wanted to post about... bugger! ]
No wait, i've got it... i remember...
I wanted to say that i know it probably seems strange that i haven't posted anything else food-related, other than the food show. I mean i haven't really posted anything about the things i've made or recipes or my work...
Maybe i should... but that means i need to find pics first! LOL
These are some pics i found ... hope they tantalize those tastebuds!
1. Creme Brulee
2. Choc Mousse Cheesecake
3. Choc Brownie
4. Yoghurt Terrine with Vanilla Meringue
5. Sticky toffee Pud
Those are some of the yummy desserts i used to make and plate [put on plate and add things to make them even prettier!] at the last restaurant i worked at..
I made sandwiches and salads there too, but i had more fun taking pics of the desserts because the dessert section was seperate from the hot and cold kitchens.
Plus, desserts are way way more fun, not so?? ;)
I have a lovely pic of Seared Tuna Salad [with the oh so scrumptious wasabi dressing] but i don't Adobe Photoshop on this pc:( so i can't crop it, sorry - can't add the pic cos one of the ppl i worked with is in the shot - need permission to do so first hehe..
I also have pics of the birthday cakes i'v made.. the edible novelty ones.. kids stuff mostly..
but i think i have to leave that for another post [because that is on my other home! LOL]
I can't really think of what else i wanted to post today, but maybe i'll just add some new links..
Monday, 23 July 2007
update: the graduation
was really good that i went because i was really happy to catch up with some of my friends.. there were however ppl who [haven't changed and who still are not fans of mine! LOL] Class politcs somehow never left behind..and not even long to enough to be able to congratulate each other! HEHE
Yeh well, for my fans [ahem, friends... it was superb seeing them all]
Ok, there was a rumour that i was in India??? Yes, i'd love to visit India some day,but how'd they come onto that one?
Thing is, i was really glad to go, even though i was slightly disappointed my mom was the only person who came to see it.. the rest of the nation is obviously occupied with work/campus/children on a friday morning..not to worry though, my dad popped in and my sis surprised me by showing up after the ceremony and saying we need to have celebratory lunch [oh and my lunch is only from 12-2 today, so let's get going!!] LOL
I was also pleasantly surprised.
I took some pics..i need to however load the pics [i know i am slow/lazy when it comes to loading pics...] I'll put them up soon..fingers crossed!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
oh so sudden
It happened so quickly and it was a really big shock to us all, because after we had seen her a few nights ago, she had quickly recovered from the stroke... she was talking and she could move and she wanted to go home.She was allowed to go home, but then she got rushed to the hospital on monday evening again..
It still feels surreal, i keep thinking "is she really gone?" because i can picture her clearly and she was so happy to see us and i remember how she made a joke about saving the vanilla wafer ice cream for my uncle because he only eats vanilla ice cream..
My mom took it really bad..she went into shock and she got really sick. They had to sedate her.She's ok now.. Just that everyone really is finding this hard to absorb.
Everything just felt strange walking into their house and she was'nt there.Her body was there but when you there you'd expect her to be sitting there or offering tea [because all of the Hendricks's love tea and won't ever refuse it]..
I love tea too.
It was her time to go, I will make duah for her, that the Almighty (SAW) grant her Janatul Firdous and that He puts Nur in her Kabar Inshallah.
Friday, 13 July 2007
the one that's gonna get me through another day...doesn't really matter, how i feel inside
this life is like a game sometimes
then u came around me,the walls just disappeared, nothing to surround me
or keep me form my fears, i'm unprotected
see how i've opened up, oh you've made me trust
because i've never felt like this before, i'm naked around you
does it show?
you see right through me and i can't hide
i'm naked around you and it feels so right
i'm tryin to remember why i was afraid, to be myself and let the covers fall away
i guess i never had someone like you
to help me, to help me fit in my skin.....
and now you're gone
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
gra - DUE - 'ay - SHUN
But since things have changed so much in the past year, the excitement of my upcoming graduation has actually worn off a bit.
What's worse is that i actually can't even work in that industry anymore - well, not entirely, but i can't really stand on my feet all day...refer to chapter one to find out why... Anyway i called to say i am attending the ceremony, but the next step is to actually fetch my tickets [2 lucky ppl get to come see me get diploma'd! ] I also spoke to friend about the ceremony, and my friend said it'd be a nice thing because i'd get to see my friends from college etc.. don't just skip ut altogether...
But the thing that ticked me off and just made me feel really bad is that i mentioned it [graduation] to my uncle a few days ago while he was sitting in my office sipping on his "teatime coffee"...
... and his reaction was, "So late?" so i said yeh and explained the bit about the rest of the group who had to catch up .. then he said "It's such a waste though, i mean it's not like you're even going to use the diploma anymore!"...
i mean to say... Excuse me? Did i hear you correctly? ARE YOU INSANE?
Instead, i politely said, "Well actually it won't be a waste, i mean you do know that i intend to start my own business once i have the finances... it's not like i'm going to work here forever, besides that, i worked really hard to earn that diploma!" [yes, another one of those creatures called perfectionists]
The sheer cheek!
I was apalled.
Anyway, he had no further reply and finished his coffee quietly and then got up left for work again.
I still had a bit of a bleh feelings after that... wondering whether i should actually pick up those tickets... ceremony takes place Friday 20 July 2007 @ 9am...
Oh yeh, just to clarify, we have a ceremony for each level you complete [in SA we have up to level 5 in the industry - so this ceremony is for completion of the level 5 ] The ceremony is just the part where they hand you your piece of paper..however, handing in of final assignment (major assignment) usually qualifies as finishing the course;)
Friday, 06 July 2007
Something off the discovery channel....
My dad was busy with a steel ruler, some cotton, a thimble, a piece of ancient fabric chalk and those little pointer black scissors my mom has had forever. Yeah, he was busy altering a pair of pants belonging to my sister. And well i was sitting and watching him.
He was having a short discussion with himself about measurments and then he asked me for a ruler and he made a marking on it. I think i heard him mumble something like "three and five eighths" I think that would have meant just a little more than 3 and a half inches...
Now if you know my dad, then you'll know the type of person he normally is, he's a hard man, strict, stern, usually meaning that what ever he says goes. He has worked for something like 27 years [i think, altho it may be 26 years] for the same company. He's worked so hard and if you look at him long enough, you'll see just how much he's aged in the past 4 or 5 years.
He's really a grandpa now..and i mean that with the utmost respect.
But this stern man, was busy altering pants and takin measurements of somethng other than a wall or piece of wood... He held onto the fabric so delicately, with such respect, and carefully and making the precise marking.
I was amazed.
See, my father, was a Tailor back in the day. He worked with his own father and they had their own little business. But that was probably like 100 years ago LOL
So dad, has not really been doing stuff like this in a while, a long long while.And i have never sat and watched him work, and while i did this.. [sat and watched] i saw a whole other side to my dad, a gentle side. Now i know that might sound harsh but seriously it was like watching him hold a butterfly on his finger... and i realised that if he has maybe been in that line of work for longer with his father and maybe someday had his own business in that line, he probably would have been a lot different [well, not entirely but some aspects of him would have been different].
Another i realised was just how much he had been enjoying what he was busy with, he sat with it and it had to be perfect [obviously since it was alteration ] but also perfect because he made my sis try the pants on a few times to make sure the "turn-up" was just right!
Friday, 29 June 2007
MOODY SMURF?? aka Grouchy

That's not to say i am an ogre before i have my morning coffee/milo..
I rememeber days when i was in high school, (before i owned my own cellphone) [OH and i have never owned an alarm clock] and my mother would come in, wake me and wait till i look at her, then she'd say "Nunu, you can sleep for 5 more minutes" - ?????? Why on earth would you wake someone to say that? LOL
Or the time my two older sisters would tell me that i wake up with a look on my face that seems as if i'm angry at the world! That, i thought was hilarious, because i never wake up moody and i certainly don't feel that way - i prefer having a conversation after i have brushed teeth and washed my face... So every morning after that to prove that i wasn't grumpy, i woke up strolled to the bathroom and smiled the bEEgest smile and greeted out loud so that they knew Moody Smurf belonged in the pictures...
If say, i set my alarm for say 6:30am, i like to sleep till i hear the annoying "greeting" tone and not say 5 minutes before i hear that annoying tone.. i'd rather be woken by the annoying tone than a person - because i prefer being annoyed at the alarm and not a person:)
This morning i was woken up to the sound of "Say it right" - nelly furtado [bEEg bEEg nelly furtado fan btw :P] BUT that does not mean i wanted her to wake me up 5min before "greeting" tone...That, was my sister calling - It's funny how people who have had a baby assume that everybody is awake from 4:30am in the morning. She probably wanted to discuss travel arrangements for her son - his play/day school is near where i work i think it was decided that he would be traveling with us. Problem was this:
1. i had nothing to do with those arrangements
2. i was not fully awake and furthermore discussing anything was close to impossible before i have at least brushed my teeth
3. please don't continue talking after you have asked "are you still asleep?" and have received the reply "yes" UNLESS the person added "it's ok, i'm awake now, what were you saying?"
I wanted those last 5 minutes of sleep..i needed those 5 minutes of sleep otherwise i would have set my alarm for 6:25am:)

Friday, 22 June 2007
what does ur handwriting say abt u?
I found this little test on 'liya's page and thought i'd see what it says about me...
I like these little tests even though sometimes they are more for entertainment rather than truthful purposes.
My results:
-You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
-You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
-You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
-You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
-You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.
I think i can only agree with point 2 and 4 (at point 4, i only agree to being talkative, i am not busy-body).
Writing with the mouse is so much harder than using a pen/pencil - and if i was writing with a pen/pencil i think i would have opted for writing print and not cursive.
Just for fun i tried the test again..
I got the same results... LOL
I need a smoothie...berries berries and some mint!:P
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Sunshine Sundays and Family Roadtrips

Except ours was powder blue with turqoise custom-made curtains that had little pink and white flowers on them.. it was our "Volksie Bus" [forlk-see bus] we also referred to it as the "Combi".
It was the best way to travel back then... made every trip an adventure!
"Every step of the journey is the journey"
The other thing i remember about the Volksie Bus was that on those days when there was a lazy sun in the the sunday afternoons, we would get a pillow and a good book and go and lay in the Combi. Was always so nice and cosy.. or we would just go and take a nap in it..
I'm still not really sure why i remembered that specific memory about the Combi.. but it just seems like we had it yesterday.
Monday, 11 June 2007
Fare Thee Well Sir...
Just before i started blogging one of the first blogs i read was famousFU's blog and i have to say this guy is hilarious, he's honest and if speaking his mind ain't enough, he speaks about what his tummy feels too! He loves food, and i love it when people love food because that plays a big part in my life... furthermore, reading this guy's blog was part of the push i needed to get myself started with my own blog..
And today when i checked out his page... i saw this.... i mean shock and horror!!! How can this be happening?? Well, yeah it actually is happening and so i just have to go with it...

This for you FU!:)
Take care>>>
Thursday, 07 June 2007
Welcome to the Mother City
I know, i's electrifying :P
The post i was initially going to publish will follow shortly, just need to add some things..
Enjoy the pic of the Mother City in the meantime:)
Monday, 04 June 2007
"Raindrops are falling on my head..."
We were looking out for some stalls, but they never had a spot this year - probably too expensive.. and i think it was slightly disappointing, but we did not come home empty handed which is good news. When you come home from events like this you shouldn't come home empty-handed..:P
The winter season has arrived... or has it?? We're probably going to experience even more extreme weather once the real winter season dawns on us.. because this weekend we had lovely clear skies, warm (take out your sandals) and sunny weather. . .
The weekends weather was really good, but last night the sky seemed to be letting out some kind of frustration of sorts...
There was a continuous raw of thunder, louder than any other time i've ever heard it rumble like that and then the entire sky would get streaked with electrifying shots of whiteish-blue flashes. Sounded like in the movies when there are people stuck in a mountain cabin and there's a storm breaking out...
Next thing i heard was when the sky opened up and let out heavy downpours. It really sounded like the sky was ripped open and flooding rain out. Wicked:)

These are some of the shots from last night's storm.. i never shot these pics tho.
Too bad there's nothing exciting happening this side yet..
Friday, 01 June 2007
Fresh Start
That's actually funny because i start off by typing the title, then the post then during the post i delete the title and then sumhow at the end i'll add one..but as soon as i have read the post the title does not seem to match... BLANK!
It's a brand new month and it's almost the midpoint of 2007, so i think it's about time i get my plan into action.. looking forward to each new day we have as a gift and a blessing andof course the dawn of all good things etc etc...
By that i mean i'm looking at each day that comes way with a positive outlook.
Another thing to mention is that today is the first day of the Hobby-X exhibition.. watch out cos the scrapping ladies are gonna be bringing the house down (only going to be bringing the house down tomorrow - but bringing the house down not-the-less) ;P
I'm getting excitied again...ok, gonna try not to think about it till tomorrow (yeah,... right!)
There'll probably be a discussion about it over lunch today.
Aaah yes, it's friday so there'll probably be some form of friday lunch hehehe.
ok i still think it's gotten me into a bad habit of actually having a full friday lunch.
Oh and i'm still trying to crack the code from the radio this morning.
Trying to unscramble : SHAKE THINYLY
Suggestions anyone??
clue = benefits of zinc in potatoes
Monday, 28 May 2007
4 days and counting...
- learn something new with regard to food, ingredients, presentation etc
- buy nice foodie mags or books
- check out latest food gadgets
- buy some really nice things, unusual things (chocolate, chocolate, chocolate :P)
- get knives and goodies at cut prices
- meet international / local food heroes (restauranteurs, tv chefs, food experts etc)
- have fun tasting all the fantastic freebies!
*All of the above refers to people who are crazy about food, whether you enjoy eating it, lounging on the couch and watching the foodie network, cooking up a storm or just drooling at the lovely bakery/confectionary spot...
Either way, it's fun for everyone:)
Yeh i got sum nice things, but tried not to buy unnecessary.. one of my favorite buys had to be the chilli-choc crunchy stuff.. dEElicious
Here's sum of the chefs i met. . . i might add my pics at a later stage... BUT these ones are ones i got off the net..
From top to bottom:
James Martin;
Ross Burden & Reto Mathis;
Alan Coxon
and Mr Gennaro Contaldo

Moving along to matters at hand.... 1-3 june marks the hobby-X show/exhibition.. hence the "4 days and counting" title... Ever since we started with our weekend scrap classes that was always a topic, so yeh this week we'll be attending the exhibition (hopefully, and hopefully we won't be disappointed) Because, like i always say, looking forward to something usually ends up disappointing or does not happen at all..(and no i'm not a Pessimist)
As the name implies hobby-X, the show entails all things craft-ish, pertaining to hobby(ies) and boasts it's 10th year anniversary. I have, however, only attended the past two years' shows but came home with some exciting things..
This year i have a list of things i need to look out for BUT i need to keep in mind not to spend the money i'm saving for a decent camera... i have been using my mobile phone camera - altho the pics are "not too shabby hey nige", well they're decent pics cos its a 2megapixel cam..
So yes, i really want to buy a camera and maybe i could do that short photography course..
OMG, the creativity bug has bitten!There's no gettin away from it.
Monday, 21 May 2007
"it's a wonderful, wonderful life"
And even if i wanted to try and remember those basics, i'm still going to have to scratch out four drawers and and two cupboards to get to the very basic notes.
So i'm gonna try a test and see that if what i learnt is the right thing then i can finally have a clean post..
So when you check this it's my favourite thing in the whole wide world..
Thank you to my mate who taught me the trick LOL, ur a star, so send me the bill for all my random html queries etc.
UPDATE on matters regarding me feeling uncertain, i'm working on it, taking things one day at a time...
Friday, 18 May 2007
worry wart? stressed eric? drama queen? wot could it be...
It's been one of those weeks.
Like a yo-yo.
Work has been good because it's been busy, i don't really like sitting idle..
My nephew's ill, that's a big worry because he's still little - only 8 months, but he's family that's why it's a worry.. then again, even if he wasn't family i'd still worry.
But they are taking good care of him, even though he's weak and not really as happy and jolly as he normally is, he could bear one or two smiles for his Aunty Nu so that gives me hope that each day he spends at the hospital, means he's on his way to full recovery [Inshallah :) ].
I'm often told that i'm a drama queen right, but there's times when i'm kidding and there's times when im actually worried about something.
The only thing that frustates me, is not knowing exactly what i'm worrying about - maybe it's because there's more than one thing going on that could actually be making me worry.
Hopefully that conclusion makes sense to more than just myself!
I still feel restless.
I can't sleep at night and i'm tired, like dead tired.. but can't seem to fall asleep once i'm in bed.
At this point a vacation is not possible, not even a short one.
So maybe i should be patient and see what happens next?
Friday, 11 May 2007
Influenza, tooth extractions and Toddy
I've been sleeping for almost two days straight (in a way that's good but for the most part, it's been bad). Don't get me wrong, it helps to get rest, especially when it feels as if a bus has driven over me - all of me - and then decided to reverse all over me again. Yeh, that's a weird thought. To top it off my face looks like i got beaten up ever so slightly on the one side only, LOL i know that's even worse, but thats because my wisdom teeth have caused the inside of my mouth to swell up, i think it's called an ulcer?? Excuse me for not taking that much notice while my dentist was giving me the run down, actually i was just waiting to hear whether or not he'll be extracting them.. He might [i'll update about that on later stage, as i'm only going back there on wednesday].
I've also officially missed out on two days of work, and i'm feeling guilty because i hate making things harder for other people, and there is no stand in for me so they were definitely one person short...
Hmmm, i think it's time for another Hot Toddy! Did i mention that those have become my new favorite, they taste nice, gingery-lemony with that hint of ivy something and white bark or soem kind of tree extract! Whatever it is it tastes good and it helps.
The one thing i do try to avoid while i have the flu is cough mixture. Reason being i don't really think they help, i still cough throughout the entire time i have the flu, so do they really do anything? Doubt it. So i just don't take them, cos either way, i'm gonna cough.
As i drove to work the other morning i noticed something was missing...
the continuous stretch of wall leading toward my desired destination was empty.
The graffitti was gone, removed, covered, missing.
To a large extent it is regarded as vandalism to other people's property, but surely if its a long wall just enclosing a huge field or something and not really a home or office building then is it really vandalism? Has anyone noticed how amazing some of the artwork is? Some of those people are really talented, and it seems so sad to get rid of their work.
Freedom of expression? Vandalism?
I think it's art, but that's just my opinion...
Tuesday, 08 May 2007
souls sound
I, touch the sky, all around,
in our eyes
And who
wouldn't believe
What's happening to
Expectations all around
My intuition knows no doubt I could
Lose my way on this merry-go-round
So I, like a bird will fly
To see
Just what could
And patience I will learn
Before this fire burns
Intuition's got a hold on me
There's magic in the air
I wanna breathe
change all
Go with the rhythm
The soul sound
I never wrote this, its a gorgeous song from the sugababes (earlier album when Siobhan was a member, before Mutya also left LOL - pity they're thought of as a group where band members are disposable..)There music is quite good, fondly remember how "push the button" was my memorable new years' song :)
This is off topic but i'll mention it anyway, because it's been bothering me anyway.. I went to a Janaazah(funeral) after work yesterday - mom's uncle had passed away - But when i got there i felt so lost, so out of place, and what was more worrying was that i arrived there on my own because the rest of my family got there long before i did since i was still at work. The funeral was meant to start after i finished work so i did not arrive there very late, in fact i left work 15minutes earlier.
I think the point i'm trying to make is that i felt bad because i have no idea what to say to someone who's just lost someone, and i think what made me feel worse was that i didn't really know the man well.. i only remember what he looked like.
What do you say to someone who's just lost someone? "I'm sorry for your loss"? Everyone else said that exact line and what difference does it make once you've said it?
I included the deceased in my prayers maybe that's best?
Monday, 07 May 2007
ouch for the stormers!
Saturday.. having gone to my very first live rugby match.. was fantastic! i thoroughly enjoyed it and yes i went into the stadium knowing nothing about rugby, but i learnt a few new things... although i do need to watch a few more games to consolidate what i've learnt.
I think the best part is watching the guys get into position for the line-up and then when they do the jump, totally wicked! Was hoping i could try that jump, just looks so fun!
The crowd was so lively and supportive! Patiently awaiting our turn to do the wave was so exhilirating and then when we did it, was even better.
Sadly the Stormers got defeated 10-36 to the Sharks. No matter i enjoyed the game and the atmosphere, all of it!
Friday, 04 May 2007
Reason being i'm not a planner and when i semi-planned (almost planned) something the plan almost did not work out the way i hoped.
I would like to announce that things are back on track, and i'm glad so woo-hoo!
I'll be going to my very first live rugby match, yeh!! Most exciting, simply because i've never gone to any live matches cricket, soccer, rugby whatever.. so this is a wow moment for me.
Yeh, so it'll be Stormers vs Sharks.
Ok, i admit i'm a wee bit clueless when it comes to rugby but i'm sure i'll make out most of what will be happening tomorrow, well, i hope. . .
I need to figure at least one sport per season that way i can understand what it is i occasionally find myself watching.
P.S i didn't realise that only blogger contacts/members could leave comments, i changed it now :)
Friday lunch is becoming a bad habit.. and today i had to eat a little because i was being polite..
Anyway, im always grateful for good food! Cos some people don'e even have any.
Yeh that's another topic for another day..
Thursday, 03 May 2007
I need to learn more about computer stuff..
I got this off some else's blog, but it's pretty neat and it's so cool that it's spot on, wicked!
Well mean time i neat to get lessons on computer stuff cos i hate not knowing how to add things or do stuff..
I just got some news that upset me, but i do however hope that this does not ruin things (hence the reason i'm not planner, and the minute i get excited for something, SHIT happens!)
Oops i just said sh_t, but this is my blog and i'm upset, oooh why'd i go and get excited, everything's gonna be ruined!
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Bring on the hot chocolate and marshmallows!!!
Today is the very first rainy day of the season... it's beautiful, absolutely gorgeous weather.
Perfect for making yourself comfortable on the couch with a nice bEEg mug of Hot chocolate. I have been looking forward to this weather all month, the wind has finally gone to rest:)
OOh not only has the lurvely weather arrived, but it's also long weekend!! Yeah baby..
Tomorow is Freedom Day - It celebrates freedom and commemorates the first democratic post-apartheid elections. Held in 1994, they saw Nelson Mandela elected as President.
So yeh for Freedom Day!
Then we have another day off next week tuesday, because it's May Day - which also used to be called Red Nose Day, an initiative started by to raise funds. We haven't celebrated it in years, because somehow it has died out in South Africa. it's really sad actually because every year we would buy red nose thingy's to wear on your nose and car bumper red noses... it used to be super cool, plus they used to raise so much money which was brilliant.
Hmmm, i think a lovely hot pot of Chicken and Corn Soup with some lovely garlic/herby crispy bread is in order. Definitely!
Pity it doesn't snow here.. it does, not really, not like it does in other countries, besides that, we have to drive all the way up to Ceres -somewhere in the mountain range enroute to Worcester. I think the last time i went to see the snow was about 10 years ago, because each year we plan to drive up but by the time we are available to go, the snow has already melted since there usually isn't that much of it to begin with.
Right now all i can think about is getting home and hopefully find lovely hot soup..
Chocolate features somewhere on the menu tonight, no doubt about that.
Anyway, 1 more hour till home!!
Monday, 23 April 2007
is this a trip down memory lane??
I dislike feeling like i'm missing out on something and somehow it makes me miss college days because college was so much fun. Really a big adventure and because my college was situated in the cbd it was like being in one big play ground!
All of my friends and myself included used public transport. OK let's clear that one up, i was told i was chauffeur driven everywhere -> my parents or anybody going to cbd would give me a lift BUT when there was no lift or people going in that direction i had to use public transport. And in cape town or South Africa on the whole, public transport is not the best. Using public transport is an experience all on its own.
Anyway, since we didn't really have cars to drive around in, we walked everywhere, but it's really nice cos u can get to everywhere u wanna be by walking, cos if u had a car, then u would have to look for parking etc etc which is always a pain in the cbd.
The other cool thing about walking everywhere is that you will find interesting and places worth finding like the pizza place where u get 2 huge slices of pizza for R9 and believe me, their pizza was good (perfectly suiting college students on a budget and tasting really good any day of the week! There was a place where we would go to buy the yummiest, hottest, fresh-out-the-piping hot oven muffins. Actually, they were a bulk buying biscuit store, but they sold muffins and pies and cheap coffee too. (cheap coffee meaning the not so nice coffee).
There are also art galleries, too many to name or count that i never really got the chance to visit, but give you a taste of the talent and beauty of cape town's artists.
If you felt like throwing your budget out the window and spoiling yourself, then there was always taking a lovely stroll up to Kloof street, the most moder, busy, exciting street during the day... This is where you will find a variety of kitch stores, selling the most unsual modern strange artsy things, coffee shops (3 of my favorite) and some other exciting eateries and film schools and there's the E-tv studio and there's a nice pasta place.
There's one place that i love and will never forget but at one period in my life i feared visiting because therein lies so many memories good and bad. Come to think of it, i haven't been there since. This place is the Gardens, a pleasant hide away, a peaceful picnic spot, a cosy place to go to when your'e having morning coffee, a place to chill out and avoid being chased by bees, rats, and or big birds *unfortunately i had an incident with all of the above, and for those of us who have just sat and watched the animal life parading around the Gardens, will have found it most amusing if you perhaps caught the site of seeing a squirrel fall out a tree (i don't mean in a vicious "i hope that squirrel got hurt way"). Some pointers though, if you go to the Gardens during winter, make sure you have tissues with, because finding a dry bend during winter is as hard as finding the person who took the last caramelo bear!
Earlier i spoke about missing my college days, however strange this may sound.. that does include the assignments and tests!
Anyway, i think that's enough nostalgia for one day.
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Something short and true.
That graces every flower,
There's a purpose to each second
In each minute in each hour,
That lights the sky each day -
And a purpose to each trial
We find along life's way,
And although a purpose might not be
Revealed at once to man,
Nothing in God's Kingdom
Is without a perfect plan!"
Just a reminder that matter what happens, it happens for a reason.
Also whatever it is that you have and whatever comes your way, you need to feel greatful, because it may not have come your way at all.
Ok i sound like i'm preaching. I'm not trying to preach but i use this to remember to keep my head on and try not to feel like things are about to fall apart - or that they are falling apart, but just feel ok with things.
At this time, things are all good except for the fact that i really and truly cannot stop itching because a flea or something chowed down last night!!
I don't really like fleas, they're kinda unnecessary. Especially when yor'e allergic to anything that bites ( lol ok maybe not everything ha ha ha ) but fleas, mosquitoes and such.
I have allergies so if they bite it gets so bad i end up with a fever sometimes, not cool.
And honestly, who enjoys a fever??
Monday, 16 April 2007
not really sure about a title for this post...
Hopefully this is not gonna happen often.
I seem to have gone blank. I hate it when that happens. Everyone says i think too much, i agree.
It's the start of Autumn ( Fall ) and i'm not really fond of this weather because its somewhere between hot and cold. The skies look as if we're headed for sunny weather, but it feels like your'e standing in one of those walk-in refrigerators. Then again, here i am complaining about a little chill and other people live in countries where it snows.
Things to do that are good for you: (I try to do these)
> Eat all your vegetables - except mushrooms, i'm trying to get to enjoy those (yes, i know it's weird to be slightly anti-mushroom)
> Try knew things
> Do something that scares you as often as you can
> Make someone smile
> If your'e feeling down, cheer someone else up - Trust me it works, u'll feel better in no time
> Sit outside at night and watch the stars
> Spoil yourself once a month
There are some more things, but i'll get to them some other time. Seem to be getting bored with that list. oops.
Hmmm i wanna add some new stuff but let me first figure that out.
Cya ;)
Friday, 13 April 2007
No words today, i think i used them all up yesterday...
Thursday, 12 April 2007
the story begins * sneaky laugh
Well, this is my story
My career, my chosen career is that of a Chef, i graduated from High School in 2003 and followed my heart, head and trail of applications which lead to me college to study to become a chef. Now i know that sounds strange, studying to become a chef.. what on earth would you be studying?? Learning how to boil eggs? spread butter on a sandwich? hold a spoon?
That among other things. LOL
I had business subjects (management, entrepreneurship) too and some strange math-like subject - still have the images of the puzzled look on the faces of my classmates.. most of them thought they left math behind when they heard we were going to have practical class (class in the kitchen).
They actually equipt you with necessary skills to open your own business if you get tired of being barked at by ego-tripping angry chefs. [mind you, that is very very useful]
I slaved away at college for the next three years and graduated last year. During those three years, we found ourselves working for months FOR FREE trying to complete the required amount hours in order to complete certificate level 4, before carrying on to diploma level 5 where were had to work in hours - well this time 6 months!
When searching for a place to my 6 months in-service , i decided that i was really really not going to settle for a place that did not offer a salary.
Think about it carefully, and if you didn't know or realise how hard chefs work, then you will be shocked at the salaries we chefs get paid,, it peanuts.. you can't even afford peanut butter if you had a family to support - i do not have a husband or kids or anything but those chefs who do.
Anyway, if you are passionate, like really passionate then you accept it and carry on till when you work your way up the "chef industry ladder"... That was my plan
So believe me, i worked my arse off, and if you watch the food channel and you see how those chefs get anal and start yelling... it's worse, they can be down right nasty! But you learn to be less of a duckling along the way (yes, yes i WAS a duckling) and you learn to swallow your pride and speak up if something does not stick with you.
Yeah! More power to ya if you'r not a duckling.
My dream was to work my way up that "ladder" and someday open my own place..
Till the day my dreams got dashed>>>
I have medical issues, they had to fix my spine 7 years back and at the time they failed to let me know what kinda career choices you could make, they only specified that i would be ok after 8 or so weeks and i can carry on as per normal. Well they fixed my spine but 7 years on it gets complicated.. [starting to sound like avril lavigne, Why'd you have to go make things so complicated??]
Yeh so my spine specialist doctor person i went to see told me that " a chef no more is what you can be", ok no, he did not say that specifically, he just said "i'm sorry but i think you need to find a new career". Reason being there is too much pressure on my spine being on my feet like that all day, and we work very long hours.
Just like that, he took it away, just like. Now let me just say, that since i can remember my dream was to become a chef - a pastry chef (desserts, cakes, chocolate and sweet stuff).
Just like that!
So i let that simmer for a while, thinking what exactly i was going to do next..
The Gods must have been smiling down on me [i think i just always wanted to use that saying!]
Because by some stroke of luck, a job opportunity came knocking.
I now found myself being a receptionist for three different companies, all completely different.
The office environment was never really my thing, but i have to admit i am thoroughly enjoying it! Possibly because it's all new to me but i really dig challenges and one of the first challenges was figuring out how to work the fax machine! LOL
No but seriously i had to learn how to do business talk and meeting clients and dealing with all sorts of things out of my comfort zone.
Yeh, so I'm making the most of this opportunity because i'm damn lucky for something so quickly and it's something i'm honestly enjoying.
We'll see where things lead to from here on...
I'm now known as Nunu, the Recheftionist!
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
The very beginning...
After many weeks and much thought that is.
I found the whole idea of blogging interesting and since i've started reading other blogs, the idea to start my own, grew on me.
I'm still unsure how this first post should have started, but since this is my own blog and my first attempt, it doesn't really matter, right?